It’s not a joke; CTS Electric has recently saved a school, a pediatrician and a homeowner more than 66% of their energy costs. We can help you take an easy step toward going green.
The florescent light fixtures that are in most schools, office buildings, medical facilities, etc. are typically a T12 lamp and they are being phased out. There are more than 500 million of these T12 tubes in our country and replacing these is projected to save $10,000,000,000 in electricity nationwide. The T12 fixtures are no longer being made due to a law that became effective in July 2012.
CTS Electric will install a T5 retro fit kit that can save up to 80% of the energy costs of the old T12 or T8 fixtures and reduce the carbon footprint by 60%. Imagine telling your employer that you can save their energy costs and provide a quick return on their investment. If you’re on the board of your Home & School or a place of worship share this information with the facilities representative. If you own a business, know someone who does or just care about the operating expenses of your company, let them know about this easy solution to become a more sustainable and green company